Weird Encounters = BIG messages

Hi, there!

Have you ever had weird, funny, unusual or somewhat shocking occurrences happen to you and you just knew there was more to it than simply an encounter? The occurrence meant more, and you could feel it. Anyone?  I guess shocking is a strong word, but this is how my encounter with a teeny, tiny hummingbird felt the other day as I sat on my deck.  

It’s been cool here, with gray skies for a few days, so when the sun popped out, I had to take advantage. After lunch, I sat in the 60° sunshine a bit longer than usual and enjoyed feeling the warmth on my face. I was thankful for this beautiful fall day.

I’ve implemented a daily practice of intentionally focusing on things to be grateful for.  So, in this calm, quiet moment, I decided to stand up and tell the Universe all that I was thankful for. I began each sentence with ‘I appreciate…’ while I placed my hand on my heart and really felt into the love in each sentence I spoke. I didn’t get very far, however.

After my second ‘I appreciate…’ sentence, I almost got a hummingbird in the eye. NO joke!!!  A tiny, buzzing, beautiful hummingbird flew right up to my face. And when I say in my face, I mean one foot away from my nose. It was so close, I could feel a slight breeze from the flapping of its wings and I could hear what sounded like a motor running; this was the sound the wings made while flapping at such a tremendous speed.  I have encountered many hummingbirds in my life, but none that hovered that close and lingered as long as it did. Usually, they buzz up and down and then they're gone. Not this hummingbird. 

 I breathed slowly as not to disturb my new friend.  I felt a bit of shock and excitement as this bird was SO close to me. It just hovered as if it were chatting away at me. Then, for some odd reason, I felt pushed to speak to this little creature. When I ‘made eye contact’ with it, it retreated back a bit, then back toward my face where it hovered a little longer.  Finally, it flitted over my left shoulder, where it stayed for another 10 seconds or so. Then, swoosh, it was gone. I stood in shock and amazement. Then I laughed once I realized, DUH, it was a sign. FOR SURE!  I mean come on!  Have you ever had a hummingbird stick around THAT long? Not to mention, stare you down like it had a big message it was trying to share with you. It's like when a dog stares at you in such a way that you just know he's trying to tell you something. THAT's what it felt like. It was the coolest, weirdest encounter I've ever had with a hummingbird.  Wait!  it gets weirder…   
After about a minute or two of me processing what had just happened, I started to feel in my gut *who that message came from.  I let that feeling sit for a little longer as I wanted to continue with my appreciation practice.  

I began again.  I stood with my hand on my heart and said one, ‘I appreciate…’ sentence. And guess who came back?!!  I am NOT kidding you! This time it was just a quick, swirling flyby around my head, twice. When I stopped speaking my words of appreciation because I was again, stunned, poof, it was gone for good.  W O W!
If I didn’t experience this myself, I would not have believed it. What do you think? Have ever gotten a sign like this?  Have you ever felt a message/a sign from a bird, butterfly, hummingbird, cat, dog, etc.? Trust that feeling. Our loved ones will use many avenues to try and get our attention. They want to help us. They want to say hello. They talk to us a lot; all the time as a matter of fact, but we are usually too busy to notice. 

Take some time and reflect on any weird, shocking, funny, unusual encounters you've had with animals, insects, birds, etc. These are all signs from our loved ones. Maybe these signs are less obvious, but definitely NOT less important.  Pay attention! You may be missing a BIG message that is meant for you and presented to you in a weird encounter, like mine. 

XOXO ~Joni

If you'd like to learn more about connecting with your loved ones, using your own gifts for answers and guidance, signs from loved ones, energy, the ripple effect, and so much more, please join us in my Level 1 Beginner Course: Developing your Intuition. I have 3 spots left. We begin October 2nd.  All online. No pressure. No stress.  Just fun! WOOT! See you there!

*By the way, I got a strong sense that the hummingbird was a message from my Grandpa Gordy. He’s the one who pushed me to BE Tranquil Blue (read more about my psychic journey HERE). He’s always pushing me to do more, to connect more, to share more, to help more people. He tells me all the time, from the other side, how I helped him and he SOOOO wants this for others, too. Recently, I’ve been quite consumed with a new project and was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I decided to pull myself out of these overwhelming feelings and into appreciation. I wanted to change my energy and get back to recognizing the amazing things all around me. Always! My grandpa popped in to say, “Hey! Yes! Keep appreciating! It’s helping you in more ways than you’ll ever know.” We need to be aware that the energy we carry ripples out beyond our comprehension. It’s a phenomenon we may never get, but it’s real. Energy is real, whether we see it or not! Read more about a true story Ripple Effect here.

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