Life's a dance!

Let's talk about signs.  One of my favorite topics to chat about are the signs our loved ones, Source/Universe, Spirit Guides, Angels, etc. send us.  But have you considered THIS sign: A random song?

Have you ever found yourself humming or singing a 'random' song that seemed to pop into your head out of nowhere?  It's not like you just heard the song on the radio, either. That’s not what I mean. I'm talking about a completely out-of-the-blue song. BOOM! It's in your head and you cannot stop singing/humming it. Why? Where did it come from? Hmmm. Anyone know what I'm talking about?  Have you had this happen?  Have you ever paused to ponder why THIS song is in your head? Have you ever studied the lyrics and asked why? If you guys have learned ONE thing from me, it's that I recognize, listen, believe and trust in signs.  Always!  Do you?  

Let's talk about MY random song.  I had a ‘random' song pop into my head last night while I was working on a pretty big, amazing new project for Tranquil Blue (Eeee. Details coming soon). This project is a huge undertaking.  I am loving working on it, but I find myself a bit overwhelmed at times and working in unfamiliar territory. I'm studying and learning a new process and it's pushing me out of my comfort zone.  Can anyone relate?  I'm digging deeper than ever before into the spiritual gifts I have come here to share and teach. My mission is a great one and I'm up for the challenge!  But, it hasn't been all unicorns and rainbows. Like any new task we take on, there are ups and downs; there's learning and growing; there's new and old.  I'm embracing the new, uncomfortable feelings (the fear and all), and leading myself into courage.  I am walking with a bit of fear, but I’m forging ahead with courage because I WILL achieve my goals.

So last night when I decided to be done working, I closed my laptop for the night, and walked out of my office as I always do, but one thing was different. I found myself singing, "Life's a Dance" by John Michael Montgomery (90's country song). Do you know this song? I started to reflect on the words of this song: 

"Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Don't worry 'bout what you don't know; life's a dance you learn as you go."  

Once I realized I was actually singing this song out loud, I stopped and thought, where did THIS song come from?  Why was I signing it?  After all, I don't recall the last time I heard this song (1999 maybe? Ha ha). Then it hit me and sort of took my breath away.  THIS song held a BIG message for me, for Joni the perfectionist. Where are my perfectionists at? Show of hands please.  I realized in that moment that I needed to take a breath and give myself a break.  I needed to remember that this project is a big one and has a lot of moving parts.  It'll take time fit the pieces together in just the right way and that's okay.  I may need to ask for help. I may need to learn as I go.  I may need to follow a new process.  Yes, it'll take some time, but it'll be worth it.  I remembered in that moment what Spirit says (to you and to me, ALL THE TIME): Have fun! THIS song was my reminder. Once I let that message sink in, I felt SO much better. I felt lighter. I forgot that I was forging ahead in scary waters, scary because it was new and unfamiliar, not scary because I couldn’t do it. New sometimes = scary. New sometimes = fear. New sometimes = asking for help. New sometimes = it’s time to follow. New will never equal quitting. So, in that moment I chose to dance.

There's always a time to work and a time to dance/play; a time to lead and a time to follow.  When you start to feel overwhelmed, scared, lost, etc., recognize that thought and choose a new one. I did. I chose joy. I chose a smile. I chose to give myself a break and recognize all of the progress I AM making. I chose to dance.

The next time you are challenged, look for the dance.  Sure, you may get the steps wrong, you may even get your toes stepped on, but it'll be worth it.  It'll be okay.  You'll learn new things.  You'll learn what works and what doesn't.  You’re learn there are a lot of things you know, and a lot of things you don’t. Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.  This song came through at the perfect time (Divine Timing) to remind me of that!  I am thankful I recognized the sign!  

As I continued to sing and dance my way down the hallway, away from my office, I couldn’t help but feel better. I recognized the sign from Spirit and I listened:

"Life's a dance you learn as you go, sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow. Don't worry 'bout what you don't know; life's a dance you learn as you go."  

How about you? Would you like to dance?



p.s. You may have recognized the quotes I put around the word random above.  The reason I did that is because I don't think anything that occurs to us/for us is random. I believe everything is in Divine order; specifically planned for us (whether we understand why or not). THIS song was the inspiration for THIS blog.  Well played, Spirit. Well played.  And, thank you! Thank you for the inspiration and thank you for the reminder: Life IS a Dance!  



If you are thinking about making some big changes in your life, if you are struggling with your job, your relatioships, your health, your life purpose, or any big idea, concern or issue, please reach out. I’m here to support you! Let me connect with your spiritual team to get you the answers and guidance you need.

If you’d like to learn more about signs, intuition, and your very own psychic gifts, join us in my Level 1 Beginner Course: Developing your Intuition.

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