The door (YOUR door) has been revealed

I'd like to talk to you about the door that appeared before me. Of course, it wasn't ‘just’ a door. You know me. It's not too often that the messages I receive are simply black and white. The messages almost always carry a deeper meaning. The messages push me to search within myself. The messages push me to find the gift in them. The messages push me to reveal the deeper truth of the matter. The messages encourage me to have faith and trust. And sometimes, the messages push me to take action.

Have you had any ah-ha moments lately? Any inner nudges pushing you? Any intuitive downloads/messages pushing you to take some inspired action steps?

I had one…

I had a dream months ago. I wrote it down with the plan to share it when I felt called to do so. Last night, I had another dream that pushed me to share now:

In my dream from months ago, a door appeared before me. Everything in my dream was dark, but I could see a bright, white light peering through the large cracks that surrounded the edges of the door. I could only see the outline of the door. It appeared as if the door were floating.

As I walked closer to the door, it slowly opened. I sensed a male Spirit had opened it for me. I could FEEL his presence. I knew he was there, but I couldn't see him with my physical senses. I could see and sense his presence with my spiritual senses (my Clairs). As I walked closer to the open door, I noticed a hazy, misty, fog hovering in the doorway. This mist filled the door and created a blur so I could not see through or beyond it. There was only light beyond the mist. This male Spirit energy was among this mist. His energy was the mist. (His energy was that from beyond the Veil).

As I tuned into the male Spirit energy, I did not know who he was, but knew he had a message for me. His message was:

"I was you once. I opened the door. The door is open."

Then I woke up.

Early this morning, at 4:44am as a matter of fact, I heard two loud knocks in my dream, and that was it. Boom. I woke up after that to see it was 4:44am.

I don't always remember my dreams, but this short, sweet message really stuck with me. I was guided to take some time to write about it. Why? I'm not sure. I don't always know "the why." I don't always ‘get’ why Spirit pushes and guides me, but what I have learned to do is have faith in them. I've learned to trust them and the messages they share with me. They want what's best for me. They want to help me. This I DO know!

The door (YOUR door) has been revealed. What will you decide to do with this new opportunity, idea, vision you've been holding? You have an idea, vision and/or goal, don't you? You've been thinking about pursuing it for a while, but the ego mind jumps in and says, "yeah but" or "what if" or "how?"

The first dream, from months ago, occurred when I was questioning the direction of my business. Remember, this whole being a soulful entrepreneur thing is new to me. I'm navigating through it as best I know how. I try new things. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I learn from these moments. I learn from these times. I'm not scared. Why? Because I KNOW I will always be divinely guided. We aren't doing anything on our own. We are always being guided and led. We are always co-creating our life with God/The Universe/Source. If you've been thinking about taking a scary step, please know you are not alone in doing so. You ARE being led, guided, steered, and sometimes pushed/pulled by the other side. Let go of the fear. Let go of the constant questions. You don't have to have all the answers before you take that step. Begin scared. You don't have to know the "hows." The hows will be revealed when you make the choice to:

#1. SEE the door

#2. OPEN the door

#3. Take that first inspired action STEP through the door.

The door (YOUR door) has been revealed. Go ahead. Open it!

If you're feeling pushed, pulled, guided, led and/or inspired to learn more, please trust that feeling. I invite you to join us in my Level 1 beginner course: Developing your intuition. In this course, we learn about the Clairs, listening to that inner nudge, trusting that inner nudge, discerning between intuition and ego mind (the yeah buts and hows), the Veil, reading/feeling/seeing/sensing energy, and so much more. It's exciting! It's fun! It's interesting and helpful as you navigate through your life and the goals you've set for yourself.

Class begins November 7th. I have a few spots left. Hop in now.

I cannot wait to work with you!! Go ahead. Open YOUR door.



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