YOU make the rules!
Do you like to read? Are you a reader? Those who knew me as a child would laugh if you ever said, “Joni likes to read.” I did not. It was painful for me. I was a busy, active kid that would much rather play sports than sit with a book.
Now that I'm older and wiser (LOL) and now that I GET to choose which books to read, I will admit that I enjoy reading. I can absolutely appreciate the quiet space you create when you're snuggled in with a good book. Mmmmhhhh.
What I've discovered about myself, however, is that I like starting books. I don't always like finishing books. So, question…can I still say that I like to read? Is that 'allowed' since I'm not reading the book (let's be honest, most of my books) cover to cover?
I like reading books that feed my Soul. I love to learn. I enjoy books that teach me things. I can’t fulfill my hunger of information on the spirit world, energy, healing, intuition, psychic gifts, helping others, guidance, living life to the fullest, etc. Yes, I have a lot of books. Have I read them all? Nope. Not even close. I buy books when I feel called to do so. When they arrive, I look at them and hold them to feel the energy from the book. Sometimes I don’t feel called to even open the cover. When this happens, I simply put that book right on the bookshelf. Sometimes it’s never opened. Other times, when I feel called to read a book, I may begin with chapter 1, and other times, I will thumb through the chapters until a chapter ‘calls’ to me. Then I stop scrolling and begin reading right where I feel guided to do so.
Are you cringing right now? AHHHH. I do what?! Yep, you read that correctly. I may skip to chapter 7 and never read anything else in the book. Are my readers shuddering at the thought? Hahaha. Sorry!
Real quick…. where does it say you HAVE to read an entire book? Where does it say you have to start at the beginning? Where does it say you have to reread chapter 2 because you read it a month ago and can’t remember what it was about? Where does it say? Who made up this start-at-the-beginning-and-read-every-single-chapter-to-the-end rule? Who decided this was the only way YOU ‘should’ read a book? Do you see where I’m going with this?
NEWS FLASH: YOU make the rules. YOU get to decide. Yes. You REALLY do! Are you reading this thinking, well duh? Or, have you honestly NEVER thought about even questioning the process? You just read a book start to finish because that’s what you (are supposed to) do, right? There’s no other way. Or is there?
Just for today (start small) I’d like to invite you to break the (this is how you read a book) rules! Start questioning things. Question things that you’ve always done. Question things you’ve sort of accepted as THE only (right) way to do something. Question your routine. Question why you ‘always’ do it this way or that way. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a better way to do things. Maybe there’s a better way that you never thought of. Maybe you will simply find joy in doing something differently.
When you begin to ask questions, I’d like to encourage you to look inward for the answers. Check in with your gut. Check in with your intuition. Your gut/your intuition is the voice of your Soul. The voice of your Higher Self. Your Soul/Higher Self will never, ever lead you wrong. It has all the answers, if only we would listen. Often. Or better yet, if only we would ALWAYS listen.
If you are new to the whole listening to your gut thing, then start small with an experiment. Stop twitching. This will be an easy assignment. Promise! :) Let’s stick with a book (or if you’re like my younger self and don’t enjoy reading, choose another avenue) to experiment with.
I’d like you to grab a book and do the following:
#1) Hold the book in your hands for a few moments. Take a few deep breaths to calm/clear your mind. Pay attention to how you FEEL. Pay attention to any ‘random thoughts’ that pop into your head.
#2) Ask, “Where do I need to begin reading?” Listen.
#3) Ask, “Where do I need to stop reading?” Listen.
#4) Trust what you feel and hear (your thoughts, your intuition).
This is a very quick-n-easy exercise for you to get in touch with your intuition. Simple right? Try it.
No more looking outward every time you need an answer. No more doing things the same way because that’s what (you’ve) your family has always done. Step back and think of the why. Why was it always done that way? Is there another way? Is there a better way? Then look within for these answers. Ask your intuition to guide you.
I’d like to encourage you, just for today, to implement this little listen-to-your-gut change. Then, sprinkle it in more and more. You’ll begin to trust yourself more. You’ll stop looking outside of yourself for answers. Will you commit to trying this today? What have you got to lose?
If you would like to learn more about listening, trusting and growing that intuition muscle; a muscle you can use to guide you your entire life, then I’d like to invite you to join me in my Level 1: Beginner course on Developing your Intuition. Class begins November 7th. Click here for more information.
Now, go read! Fill me in on how it goes. Did you start where your intuition told you to? I hope so.
Remember: YOU make the rules!