Let's Talk about Self-Care (and Nike)

I want to talk to you today about self-care. 

I feel like the word self-care gets tossed around a lot. I also feel like this word is a trigger for many of us. Reflect on that for a moment. 

Self-care is defined by dictionary.com as

1. the act of attending to one’s physical or mental health, generally without medical or other professional consultation:
Spending time with friends is my self-care. Doing something I enjoy is self-care.
2. the practices used to comfort or soothe oneself: Taking a bath is a great self-care activity when you’re feeling stressed.

When you hear the word self-care, do you immediately react with excitement and say “YES!” I am doing this for me! I need this. I deserve this! Or, do you resist self-care and proceed to ‘should’ all over yourself? I should do the dishes. I should get the laundry done. I should clean the garage. I should finish that report. I should cut the grass. I should work a little longer. I should get my grocery shopping done, etc., etc. Does this sound like you sometimes? Why? Why do we feel like we ‘should’ be doing something productive all. the. time? Why do we sometimes offer resistance to the mere thought of taking time for ourselves? 

What's your honest reaction when I say, it's time for some self-care? Do you let out a heavy sigh, kind of beat yourself up and think, yeah, yeah, okay. I know! I should take a break. I should get a massage. I should spend more time with my family/friends. I should drink more water. I should move my body more. I should get more sleep. I should__________. But, I don’t have time. I need to do this first. I ‘should’ get this done before I can do that. I will take care of myself tomorrow (maybe). Why do we do that? Who's guilty of thinking this way (sometimes)? Me! Anyone else?

I feel like we don’t always give ourselves permission to take time for self-care. Is that true for you? Take notice of how your body lets you know when you've crossed over the threshold of pushing and doing too much. Personally, my body reacts with getting sick (in the winter) and getting a stiff neck (in the other seasons). It happens like clockwork. I wish I could say I've learned my lesson, and it doesn't happen anymore, but that's not true. I struggle with stopping and resting and listening to those first few signs of my body trying to tell me it's time for self-care. I struggle with doing too much. I struggle with saying no to all the ‘shoulds.’ How about you? How does your body let you know when it's had enough of you pushing and doing and not taking care of yourself? Do you get sick? Do you have reoccurring pain or an injury flare up? Do you get headaches/migraines, stomach aches? Are you more forgetful? Do you get emotional? Do you get angry?  

Your body will absolutely let you know when you're overdue for self-care, so don't let yourself get into that discomfort. If we don't listen to the small signs and take care, our body will continue to try and get our attention and hope we listen. If you really avoid these signs from your body, you'll soon get a sign that's not so easily dismissed or avoidable…something that will cause you to really sit down and rest, possibly sit down in the hospital. Don't let yourself get there!

Make a commitment to yourself, yes, right now!  Choose a date and time in the next few days where you give yourself permission to practice self-care; read a book, sit in the sun/shade/moonlight, take a nap, enjoy a visit with a friend, take a bath, take a class, learn a new skill you've been putting off, meditate, exercise, etc. Self-care doesn't mean sitting on your butt eating bon bons, although, it could. Self-care means taking care of YOU! You decide what YOU need. Then, implement it often. And remember, you don’t always have to be ‘doing.’ Sometimes it’s best to ‘just be.’

If you need a mantra to encourage yourself to practice self-care, then let’s borrow the famous slogan from Nike: Just Do It! If that doesn’t work for you, then how about this: “Self-care doesn’t mean “me first” it means “me too.”~ L.R. Knosts

Self-care is a choice. Choose it today so you can enjoy tomorrow!



Joni is a psychic medium, spiritual teacher, intuitive energy healer and writer. She currently teaches courses on developing your intuition, meeting and working with your spirit guides and harnessing the power of your mindset to propel your life. Join her VIP Facebook group to keep up-to-date on all of her exciting upcoming workshops!

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