We all go to the same place

The other day, my dad visited with me and brought another Spirit with him. I knew this gentle, kind Spirit. I recognized his energy. He had recently passed away and although it was a surprise to those around him, it was not a surprise to Spirit. He had planned this exit and wanted to share a message with me, so I could pass this along to you.  

About 5 seconds after my dad and this Spirit appeared before me, two more male Spirits popped in. They too had decided and planned their own exit. Now I have 4 Spirits standing before me.  I was puzzled by this group as these men were of various ages, having crossed over at different times, in different years, and to the best of my knowledge, were not related. The three men had one thing in common, however, they had decided themselves when they’d leave this earthly plane.  But I was a bit confused.  Why was my dad with them? Why did my dad bring them to me?  Why was he with these 3 men?  My dad’s exit was not decided by him, he was called home after battling cancer. I asked my dad why he was with these 3 men and why he brought them forward. He said to me, ‘because you (all of us humans) need to know that we are all ‘in the same place.’ He wanted me to know and to pass on to you, that no matter how one crosses over, whether it’s planned by a higher power, or it’s planned by the human themself, ‘we all go into the light. We are all loved and accepted the same. There is no judgment. There is only love.’

I share this experience here because I was asked to share it. I understand people have different beliefs as to what happens to their loved ones after they cross over. I also understand people have different beliefs as to what happens to their loved ones when someone chooses to cross over before their time.  Whatever it is that you believe is up to you. All I’m saying is what Spirit told me. Please don’t be afraid for them. Please don’t be scared that they are lost or stuck. They are not!  

Spirit’s message was loud and clear: 

Please know that it doesn’t matter how or when your soul leaves this dimension. We ALL go to the same place, a place of unconditional love and light and acceptance, peace and joy. There is no judgment on the other side, only love. 

Trust that your loved ones are free of pain. They are fine and loved 100%.  Always and forever!

Take care my friends!


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