The light IS the message

I was mindlessly scrolling through Facebook when a picture caught my eye. Within this picture was a beam of bright, white light shining. This beam of light shot across the picture, and it looked to me as if it were moving. It wasn’t a live picture, but the way the beam of light shone, it sure looked like it. I paused and examined the picture further, and then BOOM, there it was…an intuitive download dropped into my head out of nowhere.  I call these intuitive downloads my ‘random thoughts’.  I recognize these random thoughts because I get them VERY often. These random thoughts are messages that seem to come out of nowhere and may or may not be related to what I’m currently doing or thinking in that moment - they are completely random. I’ve learned that these random thoughts are in fact my intuition talking to me.

This intuitive download/random thought (learn more about intuition in my Level 1 course) was that of my grandpa Gordy’s passing in 2009. Shortly after recognizing and connecting to this random thought (intuition), I had a memory of what happened to me after my Grandpa Gordy died on June 18, 2009. Very quickly, I was brought back to the day he died. I saw, in my mind’s eye, the whole day as if I were watching a movie of the occurrences that happened that day back in 2009. (Learn more about your mind’s eye in my Level 1 course).

I remember the day my Grandpa passed away. We were called to the hospital where he had been sent. He was in and out of consciousness; his eyes closed. I remember my family surrounding his hospital bed, watching him. I remember sitting bedside, asking him to squeeze my hand if he could hear me, which he did. We sat with him while he rested, but we all knew he was getting ready to leave us. We stepped out of his room and moved to the waiting room to allow the nurse to check his vitals and fluids. While we were sitting in the waiting room, we heard over the PA system, “CODE BLUE.” In that moment, I knew (I just knew/intuition) when I heard ‘CODE BLUE,’ that it was my grandpa crossing over, graduating to the other side. Moments later, we saw the health care workers rushing into his room. My grandpa died that day.

The days that followed were difficult and busy. We did all the things that need to/have to be done. After the funeral, we decided to gather at my parents’ house to visit and decompress. It was all so surreal. It felt like it happened so fast. I left the funeral home to run home and change clothes. I was happy to have a few moments to myself. I had no idea what would happen next.

I ran upstairs to my bedroom to change into something a little more comfortable, and then it happened. As I swung the door open to enter my bedroom, I looked up to find my bedside lamp beaming an impressive brightness (it almost seemed too bright for the bulb it held). I remember noticing just how bright it was. I stopped in my tracks and stared in bewilderment. I felt something inside of me, like an energetic shift. I was confused, yet I knew something was happening. My thoughts began to race through my mind, searching for reasons as to why this light was on, after all, I didn’t turn it on that morning. I didn’t need the light on as it was already bright outside when I awoke that day. As my mind tried to make sense of why the light was on, I entertained the thought that maybe the lamp was on because the power went out. But the power didn’t go out.  None of the clocks in my home were flashing the wrong time; none of the other lamps in my home were on. I dismissed the thoughts and hurried over to turn the lamp off. I reached for the lamp, touched it and nothing happened. It wouldn’t turn off. At the time, I had one of those ‘touch lamps.’ You know the ones that have the brass colored, metal base and you can turn it off and on by touching the metal base. My lamp had 3 options: touch once to turn on, touch again to get brighter, and touch a third time to turn it off. I touched the lamp again. Nothing. I touched it again. Nothing. I touched it again. Nothing.  I touched it with a bit more force this time.  Nothing.  I aggressively tapped it repeatedly. Nothing.  I paused a moment, then went in for one more strong tap, tap, tap moving my finger around thinking that would do the trick, and still, nothing.  Finally, I unplugged it.  

An hour later, I’m back at my parents’ home, sitting on their deck as it was a beautiful June evening. The air was heavy with emotion. We sat together and reflected on our time with my Grandpa. We laughed. We cried. We sat in silence. We took comfort in knowing he was now reunited with my grandma, Lorraine. My dad was quiet that night. I suspect the reality of having lost both parents was slowly sinking in.

My dad’s younger brother, Larry, was in town and I remember sitting with him, joking about how my grandpa loved watching hockey, especially the Detroit Red Wings. He loved them, unless they were losing, then he called them the Dead Wings. Ha ha. He loved hockey and spent many hours watching it on tv. We chatted for some time about this and that and suddenly, I had a random (intuition) thought pop into my head. I felt a nudge to share my lamp story with my uncle. Why? I don’t know why, but I trusted my gut/intuition. So, I gabbed away, telling my Uncle about my ferocious tapping on the lamp and how ridiculous I must have looked, getting mad at a lamp. As I finished my story, his eyes lit up and a smile spread across his face.  He didn’t speak at first.  He sort of looked like he was daydreaming. I could feel peace eminating from his energy. When he finally made eye contact with me again, I spoke first, “What’s up?” I asked him.  “What’s with the face you were making? Where did you go just now?”  He smiled a soft, content, easy-going smile, let out a relaxing sigh and said, “I whispered in my dad’s ear before he crossed over to send me a sign that he made it.”  He went on to say, “That was my sign. That light was his sign for me.  Thank you for sharing this story!” I sat and stared at him with wide eyes and mouth agape. Wait. What?! Larry absolutely knew, as he could feel it deep down inside of him, that my lamp, that light, his light, was the sign he asked for. This was the sign his dad chose to share with him. I reveled in the peace and calmness that flooded over all of us that night. It was healing. It was helpful. It was magical!

As I reflect back on this experience from 2009, I am reminded of the day I shared a similar experience with my Grandpa after his beloved wife, Lorraine, passed away. (You can read more about this story here.) My grandpa tells me all the time (yep, to this day, even though he’s crossed over) how the day I told him about the dream I had about grandma, was the day his life changed. He tells me all the time, “You helped me. You changed my (outlook on) life. You are helping so many people.” He reminds me often that the work I am doing is very helpful and it’s healing for people. He says, “You have no idea how many people you are helping.” And he’s right. I don’t know. I have a guess, but will I ever know how far the healing reaches? Probably not, but that’s okay. I share my gifts because I want to help people. I share my gifts because it’s what I came here to do. And bonus, I LOVE my job! It’s absolutely amazing!! I GET to do this every day. The words “HAVE TO” aren’t in my vocabulary much anymore.

My grandpa has been one of my biggest supporters from the other side. Whenever I “see” him, he’s always holding a stack of books, between 3 and 5 books as a matter of fact. He’s always pointing at them in a way that implies I need to get going on writing my books. He’s always encouraging me to share my stories, experiences, knowledge, teachings, healing work, etc. with others. And he insists that he (his story) be the first story I tell in my first book.

It’s fascinating to me when I look back to when my gifts really got amped up, back in 2001 when I sat across the table from my grandpa and mustered up the courage to tell him about the dream I had about my Grandma. I simply shared her message with him and it changed his life forever. Fast forward to his passing in 2009. Again, I simply shared a message I received, FROM him and it changed OUR lives forever. You can’t necessarily measure a person’s level of peace, but you sure can feel it. That moment my Uncle said the lamp message was for him (was for us), was a moment of peace, clarity and closure. It covered us like a warm blanket. We could feel the Love. Love. Love. Lots of love!

Our loved ones send us messages and signs that they are around us. I wonder how many of these simple, little signs go unnoticed. I wonder how often we trust them. Believe. Have faith. Trust. I think it’s safe to say that these ‘simple messages’ aren’t so simple, are they? Will you see? Will you trust? Will you believe? Will you have faith? What have you got to lose? Your loved ones are waiting. Will you listen? Will you CHOOSE to see the light?