I hear you. Again!
“I’m here. I’m there. I’m everywhere.” ~ G. Michael West (aka my dad).
I must have written this quote from my dad fifteen times in the twelve pages of channeled writing I did after he died in July of 2019. Shortly after he passed away, I felt this urge, this push, this feeling (my intuition) that I needed to sit down, connect with his energy, and write his words (channeling). My intuition was so strong, that I had to listen. I grabbed my notebook, sat down with my favorite pen and I began to write. I wrote feverishly, page, after page, after page. My hand buzzed across the paper, the ink recording the messages my dad had for me. When I was finished, my hand was tired. I flipped back to page one in my notebook and began reading what I/We wrote. I didn’t recall writing much of what was on the paper, and it appeared to be written by someone else as the handwriting did not look like mine. But it was in-fact my hand doing the writing. The words on the paper, however, were not mine. They were my dad’s. As I read through the twelve pages, I recognized this message: “I’m here. I’m there. I’m everywhere” repeated over and over and over. At the time, I thought that quote was just for me to absorb and for me to share with my family as a way to comfort us, but this specific phrase became so much more than ‘just a quote’ for me. It became a message I often shared with others that were grieving the loss of a loved one.
We all want our loved ones back. We miss hugging them, hearing their voice, spending time with them, and SO many more things. I truly believe that my dad’s message is an attempt to reassure us that they are ‘back.’ Actually, they never left. Yes, they did have to say goodbye to their physical body, but their essence, their Soul, that which is their TRUE self and being, is still and always will be, ‘here, there, and everywhere.’ And this quote is where my story begins, or maybe I should say, where it continues…
Four years after channeling my dad’s messages, his life changing quote appeared to me in a new, different and totally unbelievable way. I have never heard my dad’s quote ANYWHERE else, until a few weeks ago. Let me bring you back there and explain…
It was a Sunday in June and on this particular morning while I was preparing breakfast, I decided to grab my air pods and listen to my new book. I felt a nudge (my intuition) to stop whisking the eggs I had been feverishly spinning in the bowl. I needed to really hear this particular paragraph in the book. So I stopped and listened. Then it happened. There. It. Was. I almost died right there in my kitchen. My heart dropped. My mouth was hanging wide open in awe. I couldn’t breathe. My eyes just about popped out of my head. I put the scrambled eggs down so I wouldn’t drop them in shock. I was flabbergasted; the emotions were overflowing from me, all at once. Breathe, Joni. Just breathe. Okay. How can this be? Did I hear the author correctly? REALLY? Did she really just say that? Yes. Yes, she did. I just heard the author read aloud to me, the exact same words my dad ‘said’ to me during our channeled session 4 years prior! Pause for shock and awe. Of course, I had to rewind the book. I didn’t have a hard copy of the book to reference, so I listened again. What in the…? There it was, again. The author just read to me, (I’m) “here, there, and everywhere.” She read my dad’s words! Can you even believe this? I had to breathe and gasp for air. I literally put my hand on my chest and gasped. If this doesn’t blow your mind right now, the next part of my story will…
DING. I heard my phone make this sound and it startled me a little. It brought me back from my dazed state. The ding sound was signaling to me that I had received a text message. It was from my best friend, Dacia. She didn't text me any words or emojis, just a picture from the page of a book she had been reading. It was full of yellow highlighter marks. (I included the picture below).
Six hours and two states away, little did I know that Dacia was reading the exact same book as me, and here’s the insane part: she just finished reading the same sentence, that I was swallowed up by. She knew all about my channeling experience with my dad. She knew about the words my dad had repeated to me in that channeling session. This is why she texted me. She was so moved by seeing my dad’s quote in the book she was reading, that she immediately took a picture of the page in her book, circled and highlighted my dad’s quote and texted it to me. No explanation, just this picture.
Moments after I read her text, my phone rang; guess who? All I heard on the other end of the line was “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Joni, can you even believe this?! Your dad’s quote is in this book.” We were like two little girls squealing with shock and astonishment. We could barely get a coherent sentence out of our mouths. Ahhhhhh. After a few moments, we were finally capable of speaking clearly, without the screams. You can imagine the lengthy chat we had about this CRAZY coincidence and the synchronicities at play. We both, together, witnessed an unbelievable, undeniable message from my dad, again! And if that wasn’t enough, we BOTH got the message (from him/the author) at the same time! You can’t make this stuff up! Seriously!
As if this isn’t mind blowing in itself, there’s more. The final piece of this story that is totally insane for me (NOT A COINCIDENCE) is the overlap and similarities between the author’s story and my own.
The author, Anita Moorjani, whom I never really heard of until recently, wrote a book about her NDE (near death experience). And while she was having her NDE, she saw and connected to her dad on the other side. In her book, she wrote about connecting with her dad and his message to her. Sound familiar? I can’t even believe this!
We both connected with our deceased fathers. Mine through channeling, hers through an NDE.
Both dads had messages for us.
Both dads had THE SAME message for us.
We both trusted the message and chose to share this message (share our story) with the world.
Isn’t that just amazing!? I’m still in shock as I type this!
I know this incident is a push from my dad to get going on writing my book. And honestly, I almost didn’t share this story with you because it wasn’t in my full awareness. It was Dacia’s idea. Thanks, Daysh! She blurted out between our screams of shock on the phone, “You should write about this!” Oh my gosh. Yeah I should. DUH. Why didn’t I think of that!? Ha ha.
I can’t even explain the awe I’m in right now. I have to admit that a piece of me questioned the channeling I received from my dad 4 years ago. I believed it, for sure, but…there was this small piece of me that wanted ‘more proof.’ I think we all feel that way when our loved ones pass away. We struggle with trusting that they are around us. Still. Always! They SO want us to know that, believe that, and trust that. The signs they send us ARE REAL! Why can’t we trust them? Always. Why don’t we ALWAYS believe that they are ‘here, there, and everywhere?!’ I believe it! Do you?
My dad died, July 16, 2019. But I know that he is guiding me, helping me, encouraging me, talking to me and loving me from the other side. Thanks, Dad! I appreciate you and your help! And I guess I ‘got the proof’ I needed to truly believe and trust in your words, “I’m here, I’m there, I’m everywhere.”