Why are you afraid of yourself?
"Why are you afraid of yourself?" This phrase spoke so clearly and loudly, that it woke me up last night. It was as if someone was in my room and spoke it out loud. Of course, no one was there, except my Spirit Guides who felt the need to share this sweet nugget with me at 1:30am.
In the darkness of my bedroom, I blindly reached for my notepad, knocking over everything on my nightstand. SHHHHHHH. I said to myself. I didn't want to wake my husband up, but I HAD to write this sentence down before I forgot. This sentence felt BIG.
I couldn't see a thing, but I scratched this phrase onto to the paper. I was hoping:
1.) I was actually writing ON the paper and
2.) I could read my writing in the morning. (Isn't my handwriting pretty?! LOL)
When I woke up hours later, I had forgotten about my Spirit download until I saw the chicken scratch on my notepad. I repeated this phrase over and over in my head, pondering the meaning. Then I focused on how it made me feel. What I felt when I reread this sentence for the tenth time was that this download was about comparing/comparisons. It was about how we humans compare ourselves to others and often times aren't true to ourselves because we are afraid that others will see the real us.
Do you compare yourself to others? Do you wonder what others will think or say about you if you...(fill in the blank with something that has been on your mind lately). We all compare ourselves to others. We've been doing this since we were kids. Why? Why do we look to others for permission or approval? Why? Why do we think or sometimes (hopefully not all the time) believe that someone outside of ourselves would know what’s best for us? Don’t YOU know YOU best? Of course! Then wouldn’t YOU know what’s best for YOU.
Pause for a moment. Think of a time when you wanted to say or do something but paused because you were scared of what others might think of you. When you compare yourself to another, how do you feel during this thought? Negativity, right? Perhaps there's a feeling of not-good-enough. Is there a feeling of lack or sadness? So then why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it because we are afraid of being seen for who we really are? Is it because we are afraid to step outside of the ‘norms of society’? Must we apologize for who we are or what we want?!
As I was scrolling through Facebook this morning, I saw a post that referred to a book that had the word comparison in it. THAT caught my attention. THEN, as I was chatting with a soul sister today, the topic of comparison came up AGAIN! Um, hello! That's a SIGN! I trusted that. I went back and reread my late-night scribbles. I could have simply rolled over and not written this sentence down. Been there, done that. But I chose to write it down. Then as my day went on, and the word comparison popped in two more times, that made me stop and connect to my Spirit Guides. THEY were tapping me on the shoulder, reminding me to recognize this sign from them, and to write about it. I trusted that gut feeling.
We all have beautiful, unique, special gifts that God and the Universe have given us to share with one another. ALL of these gifts are important! All of these gifts are needed! We are not meant to live on this Earth to feel sad, inadequate by comparing ourselves to others.
If you are reading this thinking that you don't have any special gifts to share with the world, then I say you are wrong. I will argue that YOU DO HAVE SOMETHING SPECIAL TO SHARE! You may not recognize what that is yet, but you will. If you are reading this, trust that you were meant to read this! I invite you to get quiet, take a few deep breaths, and write down any words, thoughts, feelings and nudges you get. Trust them! Your gut, your intuition, will NEVER lead you wrong.
If you are feeling pulled to learn more about your special spiritual gifts, then I invite you to join us in my next online course: Level 1 Developing Your Intuition. In this 5-week course, we talk about gifts, signs and how to know them when you see, hear, and feel them and to trust them. We all have special gifts. We all have intuition. You may call it a gut feeling, or a sixth sense. YES! It’s all one in the same and you have them! The beauty of it all is, these gifts are there, waiting to be called upon by you. They are there, ready for you to utilize them. ALL you have to do is: 1.) DECIDE and 2.) CHOOSE. You get to decide your path. You get to make the choice to jump on that next/new path. What are you waiting for? You know you have special gifts. When was the last time you walked into a room, and you could feel the energy? When was the last time you were thinking about your deceased mom and then a butterfly appeared out of nowhere? When was the last time you were thinking about your friend and then she/he called/texted or you bumped into them? These are not coincidences! This is God/Universe/Higher Source saying, “HELLO! Yes! I’m here. Yes! I’m waiting to help you. Please decide to accept my help. Please choose to listen to me.”
Your gifts are tapping you on the shoulder RIGHT NOW, asking you to listen deeper, learn more and trust those feelings and inner knowing. Trust your gut feeling now! Don't be afraid of your gifts! Listen and hear the message that was meant for all to hear: "Why are you afraid of yourself?" Will you decide and choose to stop being afraid of yourself and take that leap of faith? If you've been waiting for a sign before you decided to take that leap and join me in my Level 1 course, then take this as your sign! Don’t be afraid of yourself.
See you soon! <3