The Power of your Spiritual Team
Have you ever had one of those days where you just felt off? I had one yesterday. I recognized it and I decided to shift it, with help from Spirit.
Are you surprised to hear me say that I had an off day? Well, I did. Yep, I felt icky right when I woke up.
It’s important to remember that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We chose to come here, at this specific point in time, for a bigger purpose/reason than we will ever know while we are in human form. Of course, all our questions are answered when we cross over, but let’s get back to the off day I began describing. As a spiritual being having a human experience, part of having a human experience is to do just that - EXPERIENCE. We are meant to experience and feel ALL the feels. We’re here to learn what it’s like to feel great and what it’s like to not feel great. I work closely with Spirit every day, and they taught me how to shift my energy back into alignment, back into a high vibe energy of joy, love, excitement, exhilaration, inspiration, etc. This is a very important skill that we all need to know how to do. Let me teach you how to shift it for yourself.
Even though I work with my spiritual team often, and I know how to get into that high vibe frequency/energy when I’m feeling off, I am human, afterall. Sometimes it takes a bit of time when you are navigating the whole ‘living your life as a human’ to recognize how you are truly feeling. I could have easily gone through my day and stayed in that low vibe energy, but I recognized how I felt and decided that I wanted to/I chose to shift out of it. I did not want to feel off/icky all day. If you don’t recognize how you are truly feeling (everyday) and you don’t recognize those low vibe frequency/energies (we talked about this in my masterclass last January) you can easily get stuck there. I did not want to stay in that low vibe energy. I was ready to shift out of it immediately, but I needed a little help from Spirit this time. Here’s my story:
Yesterday, I had a very human experience. After having some bizarre and slightly disturbing dreams, I woke up thankful to learn they were ‘just dreams’ (we talk much more about dreams and their meanings in Level 2. *HINT: a dream is never JUST a dream. Anyway…). I immediately felt off as I began to get ready to start my day. The energy around me felt off. I could not shake this feeling of ‘off’ of weird/odd/heaviness/sluggishness, of blah. Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a case of the blahs, and couldn’t get rid of them? Yep, I thought so. We’ve all been there. Please know no matter how spiritually “advanced” you are, you are still human. Luckily, I am able to connect with my spiritual team and they told me I needed three things: #1. I needed to do some grounding (we learn all about this in Level 1). #2. I needed to get outside (nature is healing). #3. I needed to ‘find the fun.’ Okay spirit team, I got it. Immediately, an idea popped into my head. I knew just the ticket that would check off all of these requirements. I was going to get outside and take a long walk. And lucky for me, it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.
I love walking! When I was sick awhile back, I didn’t get to do any walking in the three weeks of recovering from this seasonal illness. I really missed it. My body missed it. My Soul missed it. I was not able to get outside and enjoy nature and the fresh air and the birds chirping and the sunshine and the blue sky and the smell of the earth. Before I gave myself permission to get out for a walk, my humanness popped in again. Grrrrr. I made a deal with my spiritual team. I promised to go for a walk after I did a little work on my computer. (Have you done that before? Do you do that? Do you feel like you need to get some work done before you feel like it’s ‘okay’ for you to play? Yep. I thought so). After I cut a deal with my Spiritual team, and by the way, they 1/2 agreed with me, I got busy at my computer. I should have known better and listened to Spirit right away because when I sat down to work, I could not concentrate. My spiritual team was RIGHT THERE, pushing me. Finally, after 45 minutes of struggling to concentrate, I gave in. I had to listen to my intuition, and my guides. I just had to get up and get outside. Let’s take a walk.
I began my walk slowly, really trying to be present. I began to name all that I was/am grateful for. I looked around and acknowledged all the natural beauty right in front of me. I called upon and paid attention to all that my 5 senses took in and said thank you. It was a glorious day! My dad popped in to say hello, too, so we chatted for a bit. For those of you that follow me, you know that my dad passed away in 2019, and he is one of my biggest helpers/supporters on the other side. As I chatted with him on my walk, thinking about all of the memories we shared, I got teary-eyed. I decided not to hold back the tears. I let those tears flow as I walked and talked to/with him. Did you know that crying is a wonderful way to release energy that may be stuck? If you have ever lost anyone, whether it was a friend, family member, or even a pet, you know that hole you feel inside of you. There’s this void, this feeling you can’t quite explain, it’s just there. You know what I’m talking about, right? It’s more than saddness, it’s like an air pocket inside of a cupcake. Yes, you can cover it up with frosting and make it look pretty and ‘good as new’ and yeah, it tastes the same, but it’s not entirely complete if you look closely. There’s still a tiny little void that we do so so so well in hiding and covering up sometimes. Please, when you have those bad days, do what you need to do. Cry, scream, write, talk it out. take a walk…Today, I needed my dad. I just needed to talk to him, so I did. I encourage you to do the same! Talk to your loved ones; they can hear you! Ask them for help. Ask them for a sign. I needed a sign from my dad today. I just needed one. Even though I was talking to him, and I could feel his energy very strongly, my humanness needed (wanted is a better word) validation. I asked for a sign. He laughed because he knew what I was thinking. He knew that I knew he was there, and to him, it felt kind of like a game, but he humored me and sent me a pretty big sign. He knew I was having ‘a day’ and just needed a little nudge, a little hug, a little love.
I continued walking and talking to him (yes out loud), patiently waiting for his sign. In the midst of our chat, I was saying something to him, but I could barely hear my own words because of the three loud, obnoxious crows that kept circling above me. They were cawing so loudly, that I stopped talking. I could barely hear myself. I must admit, I was slightly annoyed by them, interrupting my conversation by their ‘noise.’ I mean they were LOUD and would not stop cawing! Finally, I stopped walking, turned to look up at them, and in that moment, I thought to myself, is this my sign? Are the crows my sign? I watched these three crows fly toward me. They swooped back and forth as if to say watch me as they flew right into the sun. I watched them as best I could, shielding my eyes from the brightness of the sun. When my eyes stopped watering and came back into focus, I saw my sign. There it was. Wow! It was HUGE and bright, beautiful, and colorful. There wrapped around the sun was a gorgeous, perfect circle that looked like a rainbow. These perfect circle rainbows that form around the sun are also known as a sundog. I was frozen with shock and awe. I think my mouth was agape, too. I could not believe this sign. It was amazing! And the think I could have missed it if I hadn’t been annoyed by the crows. (I included the picture for you to see).
Let’s recap quick. I asked for a sign. I paid attention. I trusted. I believed. If those crows hadn’t annoyed the crap out of me with their ridiculously loud caw, caw, caw, cawing, I never would have stopped talking. I never would have stopped walking to watch them. I never would have turned around. I never would have looked up. I never would have received this beautiful validation from my dad! Thanks Dad!!
So here is my takeaway: when you are feeling like you’re having one of those days. #1. Stop and recognize your feelings. #2. If you have a family member or friend that you can talk to, please do so, or get in touch with me and we can talk. #3 Connect to your inner wisdom, your intuition, and your Spiritual team. Ask for help. #4. Know that this feeling can be temporary, if you choose it to be. #4. Decide to shift out of it. #5 Choose your next step: Will you continue to walk throughout your day with that same blah feeling, or will you choose to connect with your spirit guides and connect with your intuition and ask for help? Will you ask to be shown the next steps for you? Will you decide to choose a new thought, a new feeling? I followed these 5 steps and allowed Spirit to help shift me out of that blah feeling. I felt sooo much better! You can too!
If you are having a day or a week or more days filled with ick/blahs than you care to have, please know there is a way to move out of those feelings. Please know that you do not have to stay stuck in those feelings. You do not have to stay stuck in any low vibrational frequency and/or energy such as sadness, anger, depression, fear, lack, frustration, etc. I cannot express enough how important it is for you to know that you ALWAYS have a choice. You ALWAYS get to choose. If you are struggling, please reach out. Let’s talk!
Now, before I end this blog, I want you to try something with me. Yes, right now. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Breathe in through the nose, pause, and exhale out through the mouth. Do this at least three times, really trying to relax and concentrate only on your breaths. When you feel calm and relaxed, like your headspace is clear of the clutter, then I want you to ask your spiritual team for help/support, a sign, your next best step, etc. Ask them anything. They are there to help you. Always!
Thank you so much for reading!
Take care!
Xoxo Joni
If you’d like to learn more about any of the topics in this blog, please message me. My Level 1 course is also an amazing place to begin. Learn all about your spiritual team and how to connect with them for help and support anytime you need it. Enrollment is open for Level 1. Sign up here. Learn more about Level 1 here.