BE the miracle!
Tonight is the night of the total lunar eclipse, where the moon will appear red. The red moon is often referred to as the blood moon. Do you follow the lunar cycles? I try to, but I’m not always in the know. I enjoy reading and learning about them, but I am by no means an expert on them. I rely on my spiritual sisters to help me know when the lunar and planetary shifts occur to better understand how they may affect me.
This particular eclipse has become more important to me than any other. Why? Because I am FEELING it tremendously. I have cried more today than I have in a long while. Why? I think I know why. If I wasn’t a spiritual person, I would probably think I was losing my mind. I’d probably be beating myself up asking ‘what the heck is wrong with me?’ ‘Why am I crying while watching the movie ‘Bruce Almighty?’ But, as I did a bit more research into the energetic effects of this particular lunar eclipse, I learned that it is bringing an opportunity for releasing. Releasing those things, people, places, emotions which no longer serve me. In other words, it’s time to release/cut ties to the pieces of my life that aren’t supporting me, assisting me, aligned with my true purpose and/or helping my soul grow. Those things that are not supporting my positive growth need to be released.
Emotional release was a big one for me today. Lots of tears. Tears allow energy to flow out. Don’t ever hold back or apologize for crying! Let the tears go! (The song ‘Cry, Cry Baby by John O’Keefe is running through my mind. Yes. I like the oldies).
When I was watching the movie “Bruce Almighty” today, there was a quote from Morgan Freeman’s character (he plays God in the movie, if you haven’t seen it) that made me lose it. I honestly never heard this quote before and I’ve seen this movie about 8 times. I cried like a baby when I heard the quote today (as if I heard it for the first time). Like, ugly crying face. Tears streaming down. I continued to cry as I repeated the quote to myself and let it sink in. He said, “Want to see a miracle? BE the miracle.” (insert head exploding emoji). Want to see the miracle? BE the miracle. Stop reading for a moment and let that sink in.
We have so much more power than we know and realize. WE get to make choices every day that lead us toward the life we want, or lead us away from the life we want. What do you want? Do you even know? Take some time to reflect on this. Journal about it. Get quiet and see what comes up for you. When we get quiet, our intuition downloads answers to us. (Want to learn more, join me in my next Developing Your Intuition course this fall)
What I have gathered from reading about the effects of this lunar eclipse is that it’s time for serious life changes, or at least to recognize and consider making some changes to lead you to the life you want. It’s time to let go of what’s no longer serving you. It’s time to have tough conversations. It’s time to allow change. It’s time to trust that God/Universe has your back and will support you and the path you choose. What do you choose?
Enjoy the lunar eclipse. Remember, it is telling us to reflect on our life choices. Right now is a major time for soul growth, change, and transformation. It’s time for YOU to BE the miracle! Why not now? What are you waiting for?